About Us

iGeneration Youth Advertising Network is a laboratory in which talented youth creators invent novel approaches to advertising, marketing, and sales.

Work-Based Learning at iGeneration Youth

Students who demonstrate near-professional-level skills in writing or visual arts gain challenging and diverse opportunities to grow artistically, professionally, and personally. Admission is competitive, and students are compensated for their work.

Career Explorers

Our programs are integrated into the entire preschool to-post-secondary school career development system. Progressive, multi-year sequences of work-based learning and instructional activities help students to build a bridge from adolescent roles in the classroom to adult roles in professional settings. Even the youngest students can try out potential professional identities and see their skills at work.

Creativity is Capital

Students who spend their work-based learning hours at iGeneration Youth consistently gain entry to the most competitive schools, programs, and opportunities. They begin college-level studies or enter the job market with valuable industry connections and real-world skills, which sets them up for academic, personal, and professional success.